With my Unitemps internship at iWeb rapidly coming to its expected and inevitable close, it turns out it’s not all doom and gloom. Just a couple of weeks ago, iWeb offered me a full-time contract, which is the news I’d been hoping for! With this news fresh in my system, I found myself looking back on my internship experience, and what I expect from my future with iWeb.

I feel like I’ve learnt a great deal being at iWeb and had a lot of new experiences. As the time has progressed I’ve been given more independent responsibilities, which has been really great. One highlight was heading up a client meeting as the only representative of the Digital Marketing team. Without the safety net of Digital Marketing Manager Joe, it was a pretty daunting proposition, but this experience and similar ones like it have given me confidence in my own abilities and I’ve learnt to truly back myself.

Following on with the good news, fellow Unitemps, Grad Developer Sam Steele has also been offered a permanent contract with iWeb. He’s pretty excited about it and had this to say about the good news:

“I’m really happy about being taken on permanently, it’s great to be able to work doing something that I enjoy and am looking forward to continuing to improve at it.”

Sam has also written his own blog piece about his experiences as a Graduate Developer intern at iWeb – check out what he had to say!

Working at iWeb there have been many highlights. One of the biggest has been going to my first ever conference, IRX17 at the NEC. The event was a really great way to discover the latest multichannel retail trends and innovations, listen to industry experts and mingle with like-minded individuals. On my return, I wrote a blog about how the Lego Group have developed an integrated brand identity across all their channels. It was a great privilege to attend the event.

Internet Retailing Expo 2017

Looking into the future, I can see a promising road ahead at iWeb. From the start, I felt like a really valued member of the team and have formed some really great friendships with my colleagues.

For my first job, it couldn’t have worked out better for me!

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